Wednesday, August 19, 2020
General Essay Writing Tips
General Essay Writing Tips Once you've done all your reading, once you've done all your research you need to step back from it and decide what you're going to say. As I've said before the most important thing in an essay is to come up with a clear line of argument and it's important to tell the reader about that right at the beginning. So set out your plan for the essay at the outset and then use the rest of the essay to actually build up your argument. Evaluate the quality of our papers in various disciplines and academic levels. We are the most organic writing service out there. At EssayTigers, we take care not only of your papers but also of the security of your personal data. All connections are protected by SSL certificate, and all information stored on our servers is encrypted. My third guideline for writing an essay is to use a plan. Whether chocolate is a food or a drug is also unclear. It can therefore be said that chocolate is not a healthy food, but can be enjoyed as part of a healthy and balanced diet and lifestyle. To write a 1000 word essay, ideally you should allow yourself about 3 weeks. You might wonder how you can include your own voice and still sound academic when you are writing about a subject area in which you have little knowledge. Obesity and chocolate consumption seemingly have no proven correlations. Another possible positive dimension to chocolate is a correlation with cardiovascular health. Yet the potential benefits of flavanols in chocolate are currently offset by the high fat/carbohydrate content of most forms of chocolate. Finally, ensure the transition between paragraphs is natural, to give the essay the flow that’s required. Finally, with an outline, you will have an easier time transferring ideas from your head to the paper. Besides that, you will easily see the flow and connection between ideas. Being a good writer involves using other people’s ideas to support your work. However, you should never forget to say where these ideas come from, even if you don’t quote the person’s exact words. ‘Integrity’ relates to ‘honesty’, and academic integrity involves writing in an honest way, so that no one will think you are claiming that words or ideas from someone else are your own. This is very important in academic writing in western countries, and if you do not do this you might be accused of plagiarism, which is a serious offence at university. They'll talk about lots of things that relate to the question but they don't actually give you an answer to the question. So if the title is in the form of a question, make sure you answer the question. But what I'm going to give you today are some helpful guidelines which I hope will be useful to you as you set about the task of writing an essay. In an argumentative essay, the author’s job is to pick one sign and argue for it. A discursive essay, on the other hand, requires the author to present different sides of one argument to form a more complete vision of the subject of the essay. At CreativeLive, We are here to help you tell your story and share it with the world. These classes will help you build confidence, improve your writing skills and help you get published. Sum up the main ideas in your essay, and make sure not to add any new points here. For a narrative essay, your opinion isn’t that important, as the piece offers guidelines to readers as they draw their conclusions about the topic. All in all, make sure the section is short, about 3 to 5 lines. All right, so my second major guideline for writing an essay is to make it clear where you are going. The reader needs to know what you're saying and needs to be aware of the path that you are taking in the essay. So don't wait until the very end of the essay to reveal the main point that you're trying to communicate. Although it seems like an obvious point, I've read many essays where student simply don't answer the question. Including your voice does not mean that you should say ‘I think’ or ‘in my opinion’. Since Spanish explorers brought back chocolate from the new world, chocolate consumption has become a worldwide phenomenon. At first, chocolate, a derivative of the cacao bean, was consumed as a drink, only later achieving mass popularity in tablet or bar form. However, chocolate’s inherent popularity does not equate to it possessing healthy properties, as suggested by the title.
Monday, August 17, 2020
How To Write A 4
How To Write A 4 Besides, we have an online chat so that our customers can always get timely assistance with any issues. We hope that you’ll come back and order more affordable papers someday, and we are ready to do everything we can to exceed your expectations. You can order our VIP service so that your questions will receive the highest priority. If you choose this option, you’ll also receive SMS notifications about the status of your order. Try to start with something intriguing and promising. Questions can be really effective for an introduction. Aim for an introduction that has an explicit relation to the topic/title of your essay, and avoid analyzing the topic in your first paragraph. Start with a great fact, story, or compelling idea, then grow from there. If you're stuck, many writers save their intro until the end, once they know the actual direction and evidence in the rest of the essay. You’ll keep getting discounts as part of our loyalty program for all following orders you place. 34522 is passionate about writing, with a Master’s in English Literature from Bristol University. Whether you’re in high school, college, or university, our experts will deliver exactly what you need. However, if you’re not sure what category your order falls into, don’t worry because our support team is always ready to help you make the right choice. Our Money Back Guarantee is another reason to choose our company. Even if our writers fail to fulfill your expectations, you won’t regret asking for help. In addition, ordering your papers here is 100% safe, as we care about your privacy and never disclose your personal information to anyone. You always know what you pay for when ordering your assignments on You will also appreciate our loyalty program and discounts for new customers. Affordable prices are not the only advantage of our writing service. Anytime you need to ask a question, our support team is ready to help you. You can also call us and ask about the progress of your paper. Our writers have Ph.D. degrees, and all of them have to prove their expertise if they want to work with us. They must pass various tests and demonstrate strong writing and research skills. In the best-case scenario, you would be able to give our essay writing service the deadline of 10 days. That goes to your advantage, since you’ll get the lowest price for the longest deadline. Are you having doubts about ordering papers online? Try to show how the arguments in each paragraph link back to the main thesis of your essay. From there, introduce the question about the work you'd like to address and present your thesis. Write an outline to help organize your main points. There are many kinds of essays, but some of the common major categories are narrative, descriptive, expository, compare and contrast, and persuasive. A college essay is a formal writing assignment that can take many forms. Persuasive, descriptive, analytical, expository, and personal are examples of types of college essays. Your essay will flow better if you build connections or smooth transitions between your arguments. Try to find logical ways to link each paragraph or topic to the one before or after. This step will not only get you the best essay writing by the deadline, but will also help with your education. We cover a wide range of subject areas, so you can count on our best essay writing service to help you with assignments for all courses. That won’t happen when you hire the best essay writers online. Try our essay writer service and get a great discount on your first order. After researching your topic, your writer will select and organize evidence to provide a compelling argument. You will receive a draft so that you can revise it and decide whether anything must be added or removed. Keep in mind that you have three free revisions. She writes full time â€" part time for student writing services and part time on detective stories. A Master’s degree in Classical Civilization from USC and a passionate love of all periods of history makes an excellent writer for academic papers. He loves to spend vacations on archaeological digs.
How To Write An Essay Fast
How To Write An Essay Fast Write an answer to the question in just one or two sentences â€" this can form the basis your thesis statement or argument. Use the Deakin Assignment Planner to get a better idea of the time required to complete your essay. Linking words clarify for the reader how one point relates to another. An essay flows cohesively when ideas and information relate to each other smoothly and logically. Summarise your argument and draw on some of the main points discussed in the body of the essay, but not in too much detail. Because we are so committed to reading, researching, learning, and writing, before, while, and after we work on your academic or professional project, you are the one that benefits. So, the promise that you can “learn at your own pace†is not really true. You’ll still have a pile of homework to do, so you’ll end up asking for writing assistance at Proessaywriting and similar services. If you want a human proofreader to check your work, you might use Proessaywriting. It is a professional writing service that has experienced proofreaders who can pick up errors that a machine cannot locate. Always check the assignment criteria and other information in your unit site for specific requirements. You can also get further advice from a Writing Mentor or a Language and Learning Adviser. Use the Guide to essay paragraph structure and the Essay paragraph planner on this page to plan your next essay. You might wait a day or so before between the previous step and this final step. Each main point that you make needs to be linked back to the introduction and the thesis statement. You also be required to devise your argument which is commonly referred to as the thesis statement. The introduction is usually one paragraph 15% of total word length (don't get caught up on numbers). The introduction sets up the essay by presenting background information related to the essay question. The general focus on the introduction will then become more focussed on the essay question. Each main point should be relevant to your essay question or thesis statement. This is the main point of your paragraph and everything within this paragraph should relate back to it. Introduce and define some of the key concepts discussed in the essay. Don’t go into too much detail in the introduction. For further details and examples, download the Guide to essay paragraph structure from this page. You will then need to find some research based on the topic which can include text books, journal articles, conference papers etc. Firstly we explore the planning and preparation required to write a standard essay and then outline the basic essay structure. Include a reference in the text, where the words or ideas appear, and in a reference list at the end of the essay. Obesity and chocolate consumption seemingly have no proven correlations. This is your chance to tweak the writing and smooth over any awkward phrases. Add some transitions between the body paragraphs if needed. Look for basic errors like incomplete sentences, copy-paste issues, and the like. I have owned and operated L.T.L. Tutoring Central since 1996, providing private tutoring services to students of all ages and skill levels. First, focus on teaching the thesis statement and introductory paragraph. You are guaranteed top-quality writing, but that’s not all. These include VIP customer service, works cited pages, plagiarism reports, and discounts. Another possible positive dimension to chocolate is a correlation with cardiovascular health. Yet the potential benefits of flavanols in chocolate are currently offset by the high fat/carbohydrate content of most forms of chocolate. Whether chocolate is a food or a drug is also unclear. It can therefore be said that chocolate is not a healthy food, but can be enjoyed as part of a healthy and balanced diet and lifestyle. For a variety of very good reasons, students cannot always complete their assignments on time or with the level of quality they need to earn the grades they want. Companies like ours give them the help they need. So, we decided to share our unusual passions with others.
Friday, August 14, 2020
How To Write Better Undergraduate Essays
How To Write Better Undergraduate Essays For that reason, the refund requests tend to appear quite rarely, which is partly due to our solid refund guarantee. Every refund request that we receive from our customers is reviewed by our online specialists, as well as considered within the shortest possible period of time. Need a properly researched, written according to all your requirements and plagiarism-free paper? We use a specially designed plagiarism detection system that runs the completed paper through a database of other academic papers and exposes even the slightest signs of plagiarism. It is not necessary to begin at the beginning; you can start writing wherever you feel relatively confident. You might, for example, begin by defining or explaining terms and concepts in your research question. Once you have done that, move on to another area you feel ready to discuss. Keep asking yourself what your reader will need to know, and write about that. Be prepared to go back and research further while you are writing, in order to fill gaps in your arguments. This arises with the question “but why†with the development of your arguments. You also might need to find more supporting evidence to present a more convincing claim. Compare and contrast essays require you to indicate areas in which the things to be compared are similar and different. There are two main methods of presenting an argument, and in general the one you choose will depend on exactly how the essay title is worded. At CreativeLive, We are here to help you tell your story and share it with the world. These classes will help you build confidence, improve your writing skills and help you get published. Literacy ideas is a place for English teachers, students and parents to learn about writing and reading. It has a large collection of resources and tools designed to meet all age and skill levels. ◠Identify the overarching argument they will make in their own essay. All of papers you get at are meant for research purposes only. The papers are not supposed to be submitted for academic credit. Essay-company always pairs me with a professional, subject-relevant writer. We understand that students may be afraid of ordering online assignments due to the risks of being revealed. Neither third-parties nor your professor will know that we wrote your essay. You'll pay your writer only if you like the result. Use secondary sources to find topics and provide context, but do not let them blind you to what you find in your primary research. Not everything written by a professional historian is true or persuasive. SeeHow to Read a Book.Readprimary sources critically as well. If there are special reasons why you do or do not believe what you read, say so in your paper. By now you should have identified the three arguments you find most compelling in defending your thesis. If you have a pretty clear idea about the sequence in which you want to present them, an outline might be most appropriate to you. If you have not yet determined how you'd like to sequence them, mapping might feel more appropriate. Come up with a conclusion that returns us to the primary thesis of your paper and gives us ideas about where we can take it next. Look for evocative language that allows you to tie each section of the paper to the thesis without becoming repetitious. Provide transitions between paragraphs that indicate to the reader how each paragraph relates to your thesis. Order as many assignments as you need to finally have a good night’s rest. We’ll do each and every task timely and up to par. Beyond that, we guarantee non-disclosure of all your personal data once you contact us or register with us. It doesn’t matter what kind of problems you may face, since the money back guarantee will protect your interests. Our dedicated writing experts will do their best to have a satisfaction rate.
Tips For Writing Essays
Tips For Writing Essays Each match is shown with a link to additional field-related readings, listenings, and glossaries to help you extend your field-related learning. To check your word count, copy-paste your text into the text area above and click Word Count. The word counter will also count your sentences and calculate your sentence length. This feature is useful if you are aiming for a more conversational style with a shorter average sentence length, or if you are aiming for a more academic style with longer sentences. For details on what is counted and what is not, see the Word Counter page. If you write essays in your second language for high school or college, check your essay for embarrassing errors that a teacher would deduct points for. For more information about all of the advantages of using the Virtual Writing Tutor essay checker tools. If you make too many errors, your writing will be difficult to understand. Wouldn’t it be a shame for a teacher to miss the excellent points you made because of poor grammar? To avoid this, always use proofreading software, such as Grammarly, to weed out the major errors. Follow up with a close reading of your entire paper. If you want to write better essays, you will need to understand the criteria teachers use to score them. This website is 100% free to use, and membership is free. At the bottom of the page, there are a series of frequently asked questions. In just one sentence, it explains how you plan to answer the prompt. Conventions include spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and grammar. Having lots of mistakes suggests carelessness and diminishes the credibility of your arguments. It takes time to develop the perfect essay from a couple of interesting ideas. If your essay is too long, you may run the risk of losing track of the question that you should be answering. A few well-written and organized paragraphs that answer the question and showcase your command of language may score better than pages and pages of writing. A thesis is the main idea or argument that guides an essay. The thesis sets up what the reader can expect to learn from your essay. They will help you add interest to the essay, but, as mentioned above, you need to know when to stop. Not all essays will require you to wrap up the ending so nicely, some topics may allow for an uncertain ending. This method can be an effective way to finish an essay on the abstract theme â€" leaving the reader the ability to make their own interpretation. On average, an essay takes about 40 working hours â€" that includes the time you need to write rough drafts, edit and proofread. Make sure you have allocated enough time to do your best work. This writing style draws attention to details to outline the topic. Writing a descriptive essay requires clear and vivid language to accurately describe the subject. The senses become very important in descriptive writing because they help to bring ordinary moments to life. The reader should be left with a vibrant understanding of the topic at hand. How you dress helps others understand who you are, describes a particular sentiment to those who see you, and signals a subconscious message to be interpreted by others. There are IELTS and TOEFL rubrics that you can use to provide feedback on essay quality if you like. It also trains learners and novice teachers to become better proofreaders with an error correction game on the Error Correction Games page. Generally, narrative writing is less common in the academic world because the narrative style exists to tell stories. Whether it’s a true story or not is irrelevant; fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry are all types of narrative writing. In reality, all types of writing exist to argue a specific point. So even though narrative writing is a more creative type of writing, it is still an argument and should be treated as such. The main purpose of descriptive writing is to describe a subject to form a clear idea in the reader’s mind. Check grammar, punctuation, spelling, paraphrasing, and vocabulary, or outline essays and write hypertext narratives. You always want to arrange essays in a way that clearly presents the main idea and provides vivid images. One option for adding imagery is through quotations from other literary works. Epithets, metaphors, hyperboles are at your service!
Thursday, August 13, 2020
The Beginners Guide To Writing An Essay
The Beginner's Guide To Writing An Essay Even PhD dissertations are not a problem for the skilled team of the professional writing services. You have to look at several online guides that give you some hints. But these are general instructions that don’t help you complete a specific paper. When you realize that you also have to stick to the formatting standards of a particular style guide, a simple essay turns into an overwhelming mission. Things get worse when different professors ask for different citation styles, so you have to learn Turabian, APA, MLA, Harvard, and several others. Just sign in to your customer account, then send and receive messages with your writer. In this way, you know the precise status of your assignment from the time you place your order until the final project is finished. There are two main characteristics of a successful academic writer. First, you have to have education and experience in your field. Then, you have to have a natural writing talent. It is intended mainly for college students and useful for those of you, who strive to write more clearly, gracefully, and efficiently. We are not limited to the information about the basics of academic writing. We bring to your attention hints on effective resume and cover letter writing, making a presentation in class and at work. At Essay Info you can find quick tips for making any writing assignment sound great. If you just plan to enroll to college, Essay Info will provide you all information you need on financial aid and finding money for your college education. When you put it like that, professional writing services help you deal with serious stress. This writing service provides professional writers with PhD and MA, who are willing to answer all your proofreading or editing questions. It is often best to write your introduction when you have finished the main body of the essay, so that you have a good understanding to the topic area. Don't make the mistake of simply writing everything you know of a particular topic, be selective. Institutions demand that you deliver a high-quality and coherent essay, one that’s almost impossible to achieve without a proper outline. The main purpose of your rough draft is to ease the essay writing process, especially when setting-up your paper’s foundation. Fortunately, there are many essay selling firms, but learning the basics of essay writing should be your number one target. In this blog, we will offer tips on how to write a good narrative essay and ensure you get the right skills for a stress-free learning experience. Students from low-income backgrounds may not realize that they have a unique perspective to present to admissions officers. From organizing your argument to writing clear, appealing sentences to proofreading, develop your writing technique for the five paragraph essay and beyond. Anytime you have an active project with us, you can interact with your writer directly throughout this process. We insist upon both of these when we hire writers. Your thesis or dissertation represents some of the most important work you will do in your academic career. It will also be a determining factor in the trajectory of your career and your academic path. Our PhD-level writers provide you with assistance for each and every step you take labor completing this life-changing work. Any online essay writing service is only as good as the people behind it, and their passion for what they do. We are the kids who asked for extra homework when we were in school. You know all of those books you were forced to read in high school? You’ll notice that our list of services is truly versatile. You can order a simple essay, but we don’t limit our offer to that commonly requested paper. We also offer case studies, term papers, research papers, book reports, lab reports, PowerPoint presentations, and many other types of projects. We hope you find the information on this web site useful and notice an improvement in your writing very soon. Essay Info is for anyone who wants to improve the writing skills. Whether your purpose is to get better grades at school or just to enjoy the writing process Essay Info will lead you to your goal. PowerPoint presentations included in this unit are color-coded, engaging, and filled good and bad examples to help your students improve their writing today. The teaching resources and supplementary materials are differentiated and scaffolded to help student writers of all abilities. It is the last yet the most crucial part when writing a narrative essay. Proofreading requires students to go through their paper to ensure the final piece is free of grammatical and syntax errors. Fortunately, there are online editing and proofreading tools that will help you with it. We believe that the best knowledge you get, you get through experience. So this is the place where we share with you our experience and hope to help you in your work.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
How To Improve Your Essay Writing Quickly
How To Improve Your Essay Writing Quickly The reader should be able to relate at what is being discussed at a personal level. These stories also contribute to the whole essay becoming an immersive experience to the reader. The first thing is make a list of all the keywords and ideas that have to be discussed. This will enable them to execute a logical flow of thoughts when writing. FEN Learning is part of Sandbox Networks, a digital learning company that operates education services and products for the 21st century. Infoplease is part of the FEN Learning family of educational and reference sites for parents, teachers and students. Use this list of transitional words and phrases as a reference for your writing. Use the appropriate level of language for this type of writing.In this case, it is formal. Never “drop†a quotation into your paragraph.Always introduce the quotation and explain it after. Focus on your purpose â€"to persuade.Ask yourself throughout the writing process if that is what you are doing. Besides that, you can hire professional editors to make the corrections for you. Our goal is to make it the best one stop shop for teachers and students to learn the basics of teaching English. â— Transition words and phrases such as alternatively, consequently, in contrast should be used to give flow and provide a bridge between paragraphs. Sad to have a company profit in times of Covid-19 when humanity is supposed to come together. Despite being unable to reach London because of no flights, the company would not refund the deposit. One has to wonder what kind of education will the impart in their summer program. If formatting instructions are not provided by you, the customer, then our standard formatting style of MLA, 12pt Times New Roman with double spacing and 1-inch margin will be used. Additionally, you must know that the paper you purchase from is your exclusive property, and you and only you have an access to it. The main thing to understand while asking yourself whether our service is legal is to give yourself an answer whether learning is legal. This is the most surefire way of having a well-written essay. If Rome wasn’t built in a day, an essay isn’t done in one sitting. Unless of course, a lousy one is what you’re aiming for. Be able to condense your theme into a single statement. Errors are harder to spot on a computer screen than on paper. If you type your paper on a computer, print out a copy to proofread. Remember, spell checkers and grammar checkers don't always catch errors, so it is best not to rely on them too much. Use transition words to ensure a smooth flow of ideas from paragraph to paragraph. An outline shows your main ideas and the order in which you are going to write about them. Check our encyclopedia for a gloss on thousands of topics from biographies to the table of elements. Our website uses cookies to provide you with top-notch services. Please agree with theCookie Policy before proceeding. Use this tip sheet to ensure your paragraphs are performing the role they are meant to perform. Use this tip sheet to help you structure your supporting paragraphs. It will also ensure that none of the important points are left out. The future perfect tense is to form the future perfect tense by using the auxiliary verbs will have or shall have with the past participle. Use the future perfect tense to show an action in the future that will occur before another future action or time. The past perfect tense is to form the past perfect tense by using the auxiliary verb had with the past participle. Use the past perfect tense in your essay to show an action in the past that came before another action in the past. Also, make sure to run your paper through a plagiarism checker to ensure it is 100% original, as per the institution’s demands. It can be challenging, but on the other side, it gives you a chance to pick a topic that’s interesting to you. When choosing a topic, come up with several listings, as this allows you to evaluate and select the most appropriate item. On completion of your project, you will be notified via email and/or phone. You will be required to log into your account at to accept the preview version of your paper in order to receive a completed copy. Our paper presentation formats include Chicago, Harvard, APA, and MLA referencing styles.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Sample Sat Essay Prompts
Sample Sat Essay Prompts The writer should present all sides of the argument, but must be able to communicate clearly and without equivocation why a certain position is correct. A cousin of the narrative essay, a descriptive essay paints a picture with words. A writer might describe a person, place, object, or even memory of special significance. However, this type of essay is not description for description’s sake. The descriptive essay strives to communicate a deeper meaning through the description. And a list of reviews for the author left by previous clients to give you an insight into customer satisfaction. The best essay service looks forward to long-term cooperation with every client who uses our company for academic assistance. We wish all of our clients to use EssayPro with a smile on their faces. You can be confident that high-quality papers were written on-time at the customer’s convenience. Every academic scholar has several years of experience in the essay writing industry, as well as being fully qualified. If you’re tired of the boring lectures from your professor, then subscribe to our YouTube channel. Here, we explore everything related to essay writing in a smooth and easy to understand way. We are a freelance platform, which connects talented writers with students who need extra help on their assignments. We are all about assisting college students and helping them make the best of these years. Give yourself the freedom to write as if you’re circling around your topic rather than making a single, straightforward argument. Then, when you edit, you can make sure everything lines up correctly. Introductions are often the hardest part to write because you’re trying to summarize your entire essay before you’ve even written it yet. We also have a quality assurance team who check the paper for any plagiarism and errors. All of our academic scholars have their profiles. Each profile shows the success rate, a star-rating, and subject specification. Apart from that, we feel it’s important to know your chosen essayist inside out. Thus, they also contain a short biography from the professional writer to enable customers to see what kind of person he or she is. Instead, try writing your introduction last, giving yourself the body of the paper to figure out the main point of your essay. Honestly, throughout most of high school and college, I was a mediocre essay writer. The tutors reading and marking your essays deserve your consideration. They will be reading and marking many, many student essays. If you make your argument hard to follow, so that they need to re-read a paragraph to try to make sense of what you have written, you will cause irritation, and make their job slower. Essays are a common form of assessment in many tertiary-level disciplines. The ability to construct good essays involves understanding the process and the conventions of essay writing. The more experience you get in writing essays, the more comfortable you will become with this genre. While like an expository essay in its presentation of facts, the goal of the persuasive essay is to convince the reader to accept the writer’s point of view or recommendation. The writer must build a case using facts and logic, as well as examples, expert opinion, and sound reasoning. Here at EssayPro, we offer a service guarantee when you buy an essay. This means that our clients can have college papers done in moments or 2 weeks, regardless of the number of pages. Many students don’t have the time to work on their academic papers due to balancing with other responsibilities, for example, part-time work. In a descriptive essay, the writer should show, not tell, through the use of colorful words and sensory details. The best descriptive essays appeal to the reader’s emotions, with a result that is highly evocative. You don’t have to stay in one place and write from beginning to end.
Expository Paragraphs
Expository Paragraphs Within your conclusion, ensure you provide a summary of what the essay has been about. Your conclusion is an important factor that helps you craft a perfect essay. As a student, there are many ways you can conclude your essay. However, one of the best ways to do this is to add a call-to-action. This leaves the readers with an idea of just what they can do after reading your essay. It denotes that something came before the part of the sentence you are quoting. Once you have a final draft ready, have someone read it to look for errors and provide feedback. Writing an essay can be thought of as a process, and as such you may ï¬nd it helpful to break down the task of essay-writing into a number of stages. Here you’ll find a suggested approach to follow. Evidence is the foundation of an effective essay and provides proof for your points. The statement gives a clear answer to the essay question. Sum up the main points and briefly restate your argument. If you refer to an important historical event, you must make a point or comment about it. This will stop your essay from becoming a simple narrative and it shows you are trying to analyse events rather than just describe them. Avoid those run-on sentences you know the ones they stop and then start again they should be separated with semicolons. For example, write ‘three,’ not ‘3.’ Exceptions can be made for larger numbers, like 1089, especially when you are simply making reference to a numeral. Notice the three dots in the quote (…), which is called an elipses. You’re supposed to put those in when you are not quoting the whole sentence. The compare and contrast essay you wrote for me got 85%. I’m looking forward to collaborating more with your company. Our website uses cookies to provide you with top-notch services. Through a thorough screening process, we’ve established an extensive network of researchers to ensure we work with the best experts in every field. We continuously invest in training and monitoring our candidates, so you know you work with the best. Think about how you are going to organise each paragraph. For an essay about a piece of literature, the best evidence will come from the text itself. Please agree with theCookie Policy before proceeding. ‘Demonstrate that you have understood the course material and write intelligently about your subject’. After doing your research, an outline could come in handy. Outlines are essential items that help you efficiently structure your essay content. Asides this, you avoid getting stuck as you get to know what ideas and sections need to come next. Writing in Philosophy â€" my guide to writing in the particular discipline of philosophy. Video on the Sense of Style â€" a video on writing in the 21st century by Steven Pinker. All of papers you get at are meant for research purposes only. We don’t ask customers for their private information. Be on equal terms with the best students in the class. The quality of writing is what matters the most. Many instructors encourage students to turn in early drafts to them for comments. Just be sure to check and see if your instructor allows you to do so.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Writing It is well known that many actors, athletes, politicians, and businesspeople have contracted with uncredited ghostwriters to produce their memoirs for them. A service that is based on quality doesn’t automatically imply a price sky-high. For example, Pay For Essay offers a rather affordable service that can fit into any budget. Every paper is double-checked for plagiarism and grammar mistakes on completion. Your tutor will have encountered such problems many times, and it is part of his/her job to help you sort them out. If, despite study and good intentions, you cannot seem to get your essay written, or even started, you should let your tutor know as soon as possible. If you have read other documents in order to contrast your argument then these should also be referenced. In other words, indicate what has been learned or accomplished. The conclusion is also a good place to mention questions that are left open or further issues which you recognise, but which do not come within the scope of your essay. Without paragraphs, and the spaces between them, the page will appear like an indigestible mass of words. Everyone finds it easier to read a text that is broken into short paragraphs. It is helpful to keep the reader informed as to the development of the argument. You can do this by using simple statements or questions that serve to introduce, summarise or link the different aspects of your subject. Between assignments, he writes, contributes to various blogs on health and fitness and loves to keep fit. The idea of paying someone else to do your work for you has become increasingly commonplace in our broader culture, even in the realm of writing. Hiring an essay helper is absolutely okay when you’re tired after a day in the college or have work to do. When all you want is to simply have a good rest is also understandable. Log in to your customer area on the site and download your new plagiarism-free paper, when the deadline comes. In short, you are your first reader, edit and criticise your own work to make it better. Sometimes it is useful to read your essay out loud. You should construct your essay as a sequence of distinct points set out in a rational order. Academic writing is a huge challenge for someone who’s only done basic homework so far. There’s nothing that loves more than passing on his knowledge of marketing in his writings. Always up-to-date with marketing trends, he has a BSc in Marketing from Keele University. is a degree-qualified travel nurse who loves the excitement of combining work and travel. The primary reason is usually that such students set themselves too high a standard and then panic because they cannot attain it. This may also be due to factors such as the fear of the expectations of others or placing too high an expectation on themselves. One common downfall is to not reference adequately and be accused of plagiarism. If you have directly quoted any other author's text you should always indicate exactly where the evidence comes from in a reference. Fill out the order form fields, telling us what kind of paper you need. Note that nearly 60% of assignments are done before the deadline.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
How To Construct An Essay
How To Construct An Essay We guarantee zero plagiarism and individual approach to your task. What you instruct in order specifications will be fulfilled in your texts hands down. Top grades and more free time in the evening are what you receive. When you put it like that, professional writing services help you deal with serious stress. This writing service provides professional writers with PhD and MA, who are willing to answer all your proofreading or editing questions. Then, you have to have a natural writing talent. We insist upon both of these when we hire writers. Your thesis or dissertation represents some of the most important work you will do in your academic career. It will also be a determining factor in the trajectory of your career and your academic path. Our PhD-level writers provide you with assistance for each and every step you take labor completing this life-changing work. However, thousands of students actually dread this task simply because they believe you need to have an immense writing talent to write a good narrative essay. This course is suitable for upper-grade school to adult students who are learning about essay writing or who wish to refresh their writing skills. The short, clearly explained lessons are suitable for those learning English as well - provided they have at least an intermediate English level to understand the lectures. Technical considerations will teach you how to avoid the most common errors that writers make when creating essays. The conclusion reaffirms the thesis statement and summarises the key points of the arguments that have presented in the body paragraphs. Any online essay writing service is only as good as the people behind it, and their passion for what they do. We are the kids who asked for extra homework when we were in school. You know all of those books you were forced to read in high school? The thesis is a succinct statement of your overall argument. If you introduction is multiple paragraphs long you have more flexibility where you place the thesis. Anytime you have an active project with us, you can interact with your writer directly throughout this process. Just sign in to your customer account, then send and receive messages with your writer. In this way, you know the precise status of your assignment from the time you place your order until the final project is finished. There are two main characteristics of a successful academic writer. First, you have to have education and experience in your field. The conclusion does not introduce any new information. The conclusion finishes by putting the topic in context and suggesting recommendations for further research or a concluding statement. But these are general instructions that don’t help you complete a specific paper. When you realize that you also have to stick to the formatting standards of a particular style guide, a simple essay turns into an overwhelming mission. Things get worse when different professors ask for different citation styles, so you have to learn Turabian, APA, MLA, Harvard, and several others. Now that you know what a narrative essay is, you probably feel ready to move on to the writing process. But before you find out how to write narrative essay, you need to decide what to write about. In other words, you need to pick your narrative essay topic. For many students, a narrative essay is one of the easiest things they ever have to deal with. Academic essays explore complex ideas and information, but this doesn’t mean your writing has to be complex, too. Opt for simple, straightforward language whenever possible. You’ll notice that our list of services is truly versatile. You can order a simple essay, but we don’t limit our offer to that commonly requested paper. We also offer case studies, term papers, research papers, book reports, lab reports, PowerPoint presentations, and many other types of projects. Even PhD dissertations are not a problem for the skilled team of the professional writing services. You have to look at several online guides that give you some hints.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
3 Ways To Write An Essay Outline
3 Ways To Write An Essay Outline You'll pay your writer only if you like the result. Come up with a conclusion that returns us to the primary thesis of your paper and gives us ideas about where we can take it next. Look for evocative language that allows you to tie each section of the paper to the thesis without becoming repetitious. Provide transitions between paragraphs that indicate to the reader how each paragraph relates to your thesis. It is not necessary to begin at the beginning; you can start writing wherever you feel relatively confident. Plagiarism has serious consequences and we at Writers Per Hour fully understand that. Our relationship with you does not end with an essay submission. When we deliver essays, we ensure they’re up to the mark and most importantly, 100% original. If you have to submit an essay and write to you saying, “write my essay please†in the morning, you can be sure to receive it in the agreed deadline, whether it’s within a day or two. All you have to do is write to us saying, “Write my essay for me†and you can consider the work done. If you’re in the same boat and are asking, “who can I pay to write my essay? Evaluate the quality of our papers in various disciplines and academic levels. We are the most organic writing service out there. At EssayTigers, we take care not only of your papers but also of the security of your personal data. All connections are protected by SSL certificate, and all information stored on our servers is encrypted. EssayPro essays are NOT intended to be forwarded as finalized work as it is only strictly meant to be used for research and study purposes. At CreativeLive, We are here to help you tell your story and share it with the world. These classes will help you build confidence, improve your writing skills and help you get published. Use secondary sources to find topics and provide context, but do not let them blind you to what you find in your primary research. Not everything written by a professional historian is true or persuasive. SeeHow to Read a Book.Readprimary sources critically as well. You might, for example, begin by defining or explaining terms and concepts in your research question. Once you have done that, move on to another area you feel ready to discuss. Keep asking yourself what your reader will need to know, and write about that. If there are special reasons why you do or do not believe what you read, say so in your paper. So, when you say, “I’m paying people to write my essay, will it be original? â€, you can rest assured that with Writers Per Hour, original is the only option. Need a properly researched, written according to all your requirements and plagiarism-free paper? We use a specially designed plagiarism detection system that runs the completed paper through a database of other academic papers and exposes even the slightest signs of plagiarism. So, the answer to your question is yes, we can write you an essay fast and not any essay, a well-written one. If you say, “write my essay in 1,2,3 or 6 hoursâ€, we will get it done. Whether you need it tonight or tomorrow, all you need to do is tell us and we will work diligently to get your essay delivered to you right on time. EssayPro does not endorse or condone any type of plagiarism. With your easy-to-use in-app chat, you can keep in contact with the writer. Feel free to pass any last-minute requests or requirements you forgot about to the chosen writer. Meaning, unsatisfied customers also do not need to worry when it comes to a poor quality paper. By now you should have identified the three arguments you find most compelling in defending your thesis. If you have a pretty clear idea about the sequence in which you want to present them, an outline might be most appropriate to you. If you have not yet determined how you'd like to sequence them, mapping might feel more appropriate.
3 Ways To Write An Essay Outline
3 Ways To Write An Essay Outline You'll pay your writer only if you like the result. Come up with a conclusion that returns us to the primary thesis of your paper and gives us ideas about where we can take it next. Look for evocative language that allows you to tie each section of the paper to the thesis without becoming repetitious. Provide transitions between paragraphs that indicate to the reader how each paragraph relates to your thesis. It is not necessary to begin at the beginning; you can start writing wherever you feel relatively confident. Plagiarism has serious consequences and we at Writers Per Hour fully understand that. Our relationship with you does not end with an essay submission. When we deliver essays, we ensure they’re up to the mark and most importantly, 100% original. If you have to submit an essay and write to you saying, “write my essay please†in the morning, you can be sure to receive it in the agreed deadline, whether it’s within a day or two. All you have to do is write to us saying, “Write my essay for me†and you can consider the work done. If you’re in the same boat and are asking, “who can I pay to write my essay? Evaluate the quality of our papers in various disciplines and academic levels. We are the most organic writing service out there. At EssayTigers, we take care not only of your papers but also of the security of your personal data. All connections are protected by SSL certificate, and all information stored on our servers is encrypted. EssayPro essays are NOT intended to be forwarded as finalized work as it is only strictly meant to be used for research and study purposes. At CreativeLive, We are here to help you tell your story and share it with the world. These classes will help you build confidence, improve your writing skills and help you get published. Use secondary sources to find topics and provide context, but do not let them blind you to what you find in your primary research. Not everything written by a professional historian is true or persuasive. SeeHow to Read a Book.Readprimary sources critically as well. You might, for example, begin by defining or explaining terms and concepts in your research question. Once you have done that, move on to another area you feel ready to discuss. Keep asking yourself what your reader will need to know, and write about that. If there are special reasons why you do or do not believe what you read, say so in your paper. So, when you say, “I’m paying people to write my essay, will it be original? â€, you can rest assured that with Writers Per Hour, original is the only option. Need a properly researched, written according to all your requirements and plagiarism-free paper? We use a specially designed plagiarism detection system that runs the completed paper through a database of other academic papers and exposes even the slightest signs of plagiarism. So, the answer to your question is yes, we can write you an essay fast and not any essay, a well-written one. If you say, “write my essay in 1,2,3 or 6 hoursâ€, we will get it done. Whether you need it tonight or tomorrow, all you need to do is tell us and we will work diligently to get your essay delivered to you right on time. EssayPro does not endorse or condone any type of plagiarism. With your easy-to-use in-app chat, you can keep in contact with the writer. Feel free to pass any last-minute requests or requirements you forgot about to the chosen writer. Meaning, unsatisfied customers also do not need to worry when it comes to a poor quality paper. By now you should have identified the three arguments you find most compelling in defending your thesis. If you have a pretty clear idea about the sequence in which you want to present them, an outline might be most appropriate to you. If you have not yet determined how you'd like to sequence them, mapping might feel more appropriate.
Friday, July 31, 2020
Steven Erikson Essay On Writing Walk In Shadow
Steven Erikson Essay On Writing Walk In Shadow Make sure to complete an order form correctly and add all necessary paper details. Don’t forget to upload files and leave comments, if any. Eventually, Ms. Mbugua said, she decided to strike out on her own, and bought an account from an established writer with UvoCorp. But UvoCorp forbids such transfers, and Ms. Mbugua said the account she had purchased was shut down. Ms. Mbugua, the Kenyan university student, worked for as little as $4 a page. She said she began carrying a notebook, jotting down vocabulary words she encountered in movies and novels to make her essays more valuable. You served in Student Government, participated in Model UN, and started an organization to combat the food desert in your local community. In this case, you might write that working with governing bodies to enact meaningful change is what motivates you. However, too often, many students write something boring or cliché. The higher the complexity of the order, the higher the price. This way, papers for students who pursue degrees in university are higher than for those studying in high schools. The New York Times is identifying Ms. Mbugua by only part of her name because she feared that the attention would prevent her from getting future work. We strongly recommend using all 650 words, though you are not required to do so. If you’re well below that limit, it’s worth asking yourself why your personal statement is so short. Check it against the outlines we’ve worked through in this post. Has your essay demonstrated change over time, or personal growth? Our professional editors carefully check them to make sure that your papers are perfect in terms of grammar. We also use professional software to check papers for plagiarism. The online hiring process of each writer is very easy and simple to proceed for all interested communities. We look at the themes that came up during Josh’s reflection. He found himself writing a lot about mistakes, public performance anxiety, and the pressure to get a piece just right. Focusing in, Josh thought about a specific piece which helped him get over some performance anxiety, so he’ll write about learning that piece and facing the fear. So we decide that Ramya is going to write about the Patriots. The question is how she’s going to demonstrateâ€"through her football fandomâ€"that she is a mature and thoughtful person who will be a good member of any college’s community. Online legend writers have a fluent command of the English language and can fulfill your requirements before proceeding online. Get paid to write papers after finding the best and quick response. Ms. Mbugua said she never felt right about the writing she did in the names of American students and others. Whatever your interest is, waste no space in diving right into the most specific details. Then, work to connect the details to future goals and interests. While a traditional “Why This Major†essay should include why you want to study that major at that specific school, you may not have any space, given the small word count. Luckily, the next question allows you to discuss how Yale can support your academic goals. Or, maybe the focus of your high school career was leadership and service. Perhaps you’ve told a story but forgotten to reflect on it. The important thing is to ensure that you’ve fully inhabited each ‘element’ of the successful Common App Essay, as noted in this guide. Doing so will bring you close to the sensible word limit. Contract cheating is illegal in 17 states, but punishment tends to be light and enforcement rare. During her best month, she earned $320, more money than she had ever made in her life. We cope with short deadlines easily â€" three hours are enough to write a quality piece of paper. Yes, it requires a good focus on the task and fast fulfillment, which is why the price goes up. To write paper online for you, we need to be fully aware of your needs and requirements.
Sunday, May 31, 2020
The SAT Quandary
A month has past since the first glimpse of the new SAT. The buzz has abated and will intensify again once details are disclosed on April 16th. In an attempt to improve the silence, I share here what Im seeing, and not seeing.Though highlights of changes have been suitably covered in the media, responding discourse has mostly circumvented what should be our central concern. Despite change the SAT has undergone over the years, what the test is has always mattered less than what the test does. Rather than anticipate what the new test will contain, we should more scrutinize what the new test will reliably do: face validity versus predictive validity. If the former were to supplant the latter, the tests relevance in college admissions would decline.Face validity is when a test feels on its face to measure what is deemed important. Psychometrically, this is the weakest form of evidence; ironic, given the SAT’s move toward testing one’s ability to anchor answers to evidence. That a test seems to measure something doesnt mean it does. However, face validity is important because it affects public attitudes toward a test. Sound familiar?Predictive validity is when a score positively correlates with criteria measured in the future. The SAT is only relevant if colleges can rely on its predictive validity. If the new test became less assuring than its ancestors of this promise, its meaningfulness would taper, but we’d need years to know that for sure. Meanwhile, colleges will accept it on its face, or not.Predictive validity is pertinent because of what we didnt hear, for once, on March 5th. Previously, we heard that the new SAT would improve its differentiation at its tails. Given what I know about test construction, I was skeptical. Because as more is asked of the SAT, might it do fewer things well? As it soon flexes to do more by ostensibly testing less, no less something will have to give. And until we see countervailing evidence, I sense the tes ts optics will diminish.You cant get finer scores than the questions you have available. Try to imagine a test that at once improves its differentiation and focuses on fewer things those few things weve been sententiously told, matter most. Or a test that opens more doors of opportunity and transforms possibilities for everyone and anyone and still makes meaningful distinctions across a broad range of applicants. The test is shortening, its breadth narrowing, and its questions may take longer to answer (restricted use of calculators, evidence-supportedanswers, more complex equations and analysis, more reading). And without deductions for wrong answers, the range of possible raw points shrinks further. This redesign is a radical dream and a psychometric nightmare.So while much focus will be on how these changes will treat test takers, the bigger issue is how they might trammel the test makers. Shorten the test, narrow its focus and perhaps reduce the number of possible raw outcomes can they really do all this and improve the test’s performance? Or, is this a shift in utility? A surrendering of a once high stakes differentiator, recast as a capstone exam; a test that pushes out rather than pulls in?And while the noble mission of delivering opportunity to under-represented students is well stated, I fear unintended consequences. The original SAT was meant to reveal latent potential in unlikely places, to discover talent in students who dont necessarily have classical educations. Over time, the test was said to have lost its way. However, might new changes only further undermine that original goal? It is said the new test will be modeled on work of our best classroom teachers and the most rigorous course work. Who will that most benefit? Might the test become even more yielding to the most advantaged students and even more futile for those most hindered?If so, then will the test distinguish between two otherwise outstanding applicants as well as it does n ow? While unpopular to discuss out loud, selective colleges find the conspicuous difference of 300 SAT points between two otherwise comparable applicants consequential. If that difference is obscured, the test becomes less useful to its consumers.And the footing gets even more dangerous with the tests handling of sub-populations. That the SAT correlates with family income, for example, has not been a design flaw its been a usage flaw. If the new test were engineered to break that correlation it would earn a pyrrhic victory on its way to defeat. Despite what some think, and even claim, colleges dont exactly need a test on which sub-populations do better. Rather, they want a test that better identifies which individuals of a sub-population will most likely succeed. A sudden rise in scores among sub-groups is no promise that it will. And if traditionally underperforming groups further underperform, well, then thats even a bigger problem.To be fair, weve been assured that previous scor es will map to new scores, which implies the normalcy of the bell curve will remain apparent. But the alignment of scores, given the narrowing of the test, could involve a smushing of scores a side effect that refutes earlier indications that the SAT will soon get better at distinguishing among students.For all its limitations, the SAT has endured because it reliably distributes, by design, symmetry of outcomes every year. What that distribution means is another matter. Changes to the test can crown different winners but it cant crown more winners unless it becomes a test of mastery. And a test of mastery will have either a negative or positive skew, take your pick. AP Exams and Subject Tests exemplify this.And this is where President Coleman seems understandably torn: his background is in mastery but the mission of the SAT has long been differentiation. Can he yoke these competing ideals? Perhaps to a degree, but that would redefine the SAT and would be a gamble I am unsure member colleges are prepared to take.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Relationship of USA and Russia Cubas Negative Impact...
The Relationship of USA and Russia: Cubas Negative Impact The relationship between the two superpowers of USA and Russia worsened between 1959 and the summer of 1963 because of Castro’s revolution in Cuba. This increased tensions between the two superpowers, as Castro was a Marxist who had overthrown Batista who was a pro America dictator. This angered America as now they had a communist country right next to them. America did not want communism to spread out of Eastern Europe, and they were using policies of containment to stop the spread. This revolution led America to stopped buying Cuban sugar, which caused a further build up of tension between the USA and Russia. They stopped buying†¦show more content†¦In the U2 spy plane incident Russian shot down an American spy plane over the Ural Mountains and it crashed near Sverdlousk. This gave Russia proof that USA was spying and made Eisenhower very unpopular. Just before this event there was a â€Å"thaw†taking place in the cold war in which progress bet ween the two nations improved but this incident ended that progress and therefore made tension increase between the superpowers. Relations between the superpowers leaders also worsened because of the U2 incident as Eisenhower refused to meet Khrushev’s demands, to apologise, stop future flights and punish those responsible. The Berlin wall being built also created tension between the superpowers as this event signalled the end of the wartime alliance Russia and America had been in. This event also set the trend for the rest of the cold war as USA and Russia used tactics to threaten but not to kill. All of these were big factors to why Russia and Americas relationship deteriorated but I think the most important reason was Russia placing missiles on Cuba. This increased tension, as America was very scared because for the first time their citizens were under direct threat as the Cuban missiles could bomb a range of 2000 miles into America with a flight time of 17 minutes, killing up to 800 million Americans. It also increased tension between the two powers as Russia had lied to
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Ethical Analysis free essay sample
Ethical Issue Based on this case study, the ethically dubious behaviour exhibited by the NKF is that the fund-raising strategies and tactics were too aggressive and the organization is not fiscally responsible. These marketing practices distort and demean the aim of a charity organization and give the public the perception that it is all for the patients’ benefits while the top management actually made use of the public’s empathy and overspent the funds on administrative and marketing activities. The lack of transparency of how the raised funds are distributed in the organisation to help the patients and the lack of intervention of the government resulted in such perquisite taking actions. Ethical lapses undermine the trust the public holds in the entire organization. As such, the ethical issue present is that misuse of raised funds. To examine this issue in detail, the ethical principles of utilitarianism, deontological ethics and the conventional approach will be considered. Key Stakeholders In this case, the key stakeholders involved are CEO Durai, donors and patients. The CEO is concerned about raising more funds. By various ways of marketing and branding the non-profit organization aggressively, there is a significant increase in the number of donors, increasing the funds raised and accumulating more reserves. Under the leadership of Durai, there is no doubt empire building in the organization given that there are ’48 departments reporting to the CEO’. Donors want to make sure that their donations are spent on the right areas, especially those with low incomes. While donors make donations to the NKF organization, they may derive other benefits from their contributions such as tax-deductible donations, self-satisfaction, publications and enhance reputation. Patients are supposedly the sole benefiters in the situation since the NKF is set up to help them. Yet, they may not receive as much benefits as they are promised because the organization tends to focus on the administrative and marketing sectors as well as the fact that CEO is involved in perquisite taking. Theoretical Perspectives The principle of utilitarianism is a moral principle that holds that the morally right course of action in any situation is the one that produces the greatest balance of benefits over harms for everyone affected. In this context, when Durai markets the non-profit organization to the public, it is easier to persuade the public to make their donations, leading to higher funds raised and generating positive utility. However, kidney patients who need more subsidies for the kidney treatment benefit less since more money was channelled to other areas and thus they suffered negative utility. When considering total utility in this situation, personal target of CEO is not as important as the treatment for kidney patients as health is one of the greatest assets. Hence, negative utility outweighs positive utility generated, thus from the utilitarian perspective, such actions are unethical. Deontological Ethics states that a decision or action is only deemed ethical if it conforms to moral principles. In this context, the CEO is morally unethical since he worked based on his self-interest instead of that of the kidney patients. He was involved in perquisite taking as shown by the golden toilet and financial discrepancies in the account. It morally wrong to gain advantages from a non-profit organization that started with the aim of helping kidney patients. The conventional approach holds that individuals should compare their decisions or actions against the norms of acceptability in his society before reaching a decision. In this case, the degree of marketing NKF as a product to earn highest possible revenue should be compare to that of the other non-profit organizations in Singapore. However, the extent of such actions is uncertain. If it is a norm for charity organization to publicise through TV shows and dramas aggressively, their actions would be ethical from the perspective of the conventional approach. If not, it would be deemed unethical. Uncertainties There are three major uncertainties in this situation. Firstly, there is a the question of whether donors should completely rely on the series of mass media initiatives ranging from its popular live TV variety shows, television dramas and community outreach programmes. Although these initiatives enabled the NKF brand to spread deep into the suburban heartlands of Singapore, ultimately the donors should make sure they fully understand how the funds are distributed to help the kidney patients before making their donations. If they are unsure of the distribution due to the low level of transparency in the budget process of NKF organization or cannot verify the information given by the NKF management, it is their responsibility not to make their donations. Secondly, it is uncertain to what extent it is a common practice across most of the major non-profit organizations in Singapore to market their organization aggressively though media and all the possible channels. If most of the organizations do so, this action would be ethical from the perspective of the conventional approach. Conversely, if a minority of the charities do so, the conventional approach would deem the action unethical. Lastly, there is uncertainty based on the theory of distributive justice. It assumes that individuals form judgments about the propriety of rewards allocations based upon social comparisons across individuals. In this context, different individuals in the organization has different responsibilities, but since there is no basis of comparison, money and reward are not meted out properly and thus issues of distributive justice arise. Conclusion From the perspective of utilitarianism and deontological ethics, the act of aggressive marketing to benefit CEO’s self interest and ambitions is deemed to be largely unethical while analysis using the conventional approach explained that there are uncertainties involved. Not only should the fundraising materials and solicitations be honest but the organization should use the funds for the purpose specified before the donation was made. Government should also be blamed for poor judgment and dereliction of duty as a watchdog of NKF organization that handles so much public money. Before making a donation, the donors should have the basic knowledge of the distribution of the funds within the organization and not rely on all the media publicity and attractive prizes. Hence, it should be concluded that aggressive marketing practices are unethical since these has transformed the non-profit organization into one that earns revenue from the public’s empathy.
Friday, April 17, 2020
Meaning of Literature
Introduction According to  Baym 2007 in the book, â€Å"The Norton anthology American literature: Beginnings to 1865†, literature is defined as written, spoken, or observable material that holds some meaning that can be interpolated or offer information, explanation about anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific work. Life on its very nature can be defined as part of literature; elements of literature that are observable in human social life include culture, language, symbols, signals, poetry, songs, and dances.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Meaning of Literature specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In academic circles, literature author’s messages are decoded by readers to get meaning and an in-depth understanding of what the writer wanted to convey using literary theory, using a mythological, sociological, psychological, or historical methodologies. Literature has relevance in human life as it communicate to individuals, societies, its universal and has an impact on human life (Baym, 2007). This paper takes a look at the meaning of literature; it will focus on the issues brought about in the book â€Å"â€Å"The Norton anthology American literature: Beginnings to 1865.†Newspapers and literature Newspapers and periodical can be classified as literature when considering that they address a certain topic in the social, economic, and political arena that talks about the human life, their community and has an impact on their life. Print news are information gotten from paper printed news that come out periodically; in the context of news, the most used print news articles are the newspapers that are produced daily reporting matter of the last 24 hours and sometimes offering some reviews to older news and information. Other than newspapers and other dailies, there are a number of weekly and monthly articles that are being produced reflecting on cert ain matters that transpired in the last week or month; in most cases the articles may be looking at certain aspect in the community say politics, economies, sports or other social happenings (Baym, 2007). The Back of a cereal box literature With changes in culture and generations, the world is facing a new wave of generation that seems to have little relevance to written literature or they are not willing to have written literature. Generation Y is fulfilling their surveillance needs in the most efficient manner in terms of access, costs, and availability; with the above characteristics, free news media has seen a niche market where it can sell its products and services. Free news media offer news in simplified form that is formatted to attract the attention of its target market who happens to be the youth in the current generation as they prepare to grow with the population to their old age. On the other hand, the print news media has maintained a conventional news presentation for mat that seems give preference to national and international news on different matter; they have the space and the time to offer in-depth analysis and sometime experts’ opinion on certain issues.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The format as adopted by print media is more informative than the one addressed by the free news media, however the current generation of youth seems not to be very concerned on quality but consider their personal interests when choosing the material they are going to use for information (Baym, 2007). The situation on the ground portrays that print news media no longer command an increasing market; however their demand is decreasing for the good of free news media. Why are some writings chosen to be in the book and others not When reading the article, (The norton anthology American literature ) book, we note that human beings have diverse cultu res and live in different areas in the globe; this has made them to talk, pronounce, have an accent and stress words differently. Linguistic anthropology concerns itself with the relationship between language and culture of human beings. There are various aspects of human life that language just like any other factor that influence the life of human being touches/ can be used to explain, these areas are participation, reflexivity, voice and chronoscope, circulation, identities, gender sexuality, ideology, text, and grammar. Language is a part and parcel of human life that is developed with ones knowledge or not. It was instilled by our parents after we were born, human beings will copy others in the socialization process; after they have copied them they get identity with the copied tribe or community. These aspects are deeply instilled in the human beings and he is not aware that they define each step that he makes . The kind of language that a person undertakes have a certain bac king from where the person comes from, it can define the back ground of the person; the strong points of interpolation are found in the selection of words, the tone as well and the volume that a person uses to express his needs. In communities that are racists the use of the language that is meant for the majority or the minority can place the individual on either side. One can be identified to belong to a certain race out of the use of works that he adopts and the accent that he is having on the particular language.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Meaning of Literature specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For example the blacks in the United States of America have some words like â€Å"nigger†that have meaning to them and identify them from the larger group. When one is dealing with such a person, you don’t have to ask the tribe or the social setting that he comes from all you need is to listen to hi m talk. The general argument is that by listening to the way a person talks, what works he is stressing and which letters he seems not to pronounce in his reading, one can know the cultural background of the Individual. Stressing some works and relaxing some give different meaning to the same work; this may be giving it verb status or noun. For example by stressing the word produce- mostly said with a raising voice, it may mean the act of producing; thus a verb, when the same is said politely, it means the outcome thus a noun. As one is brought up, through early socialization, the choice of word is learnt and it is interpolated differently by different groups. Other aspects are biologically instilled in the human beings. What are the editors looking for in writing for it to be included as â€Å"literature†? When writing the book the writer seems to be looking for the following human characters that can be derived through literature understanding. Identity Human beings do not live alone but they are social beings. They are there for the each other in times of need and build these relationships by expressing their own feeling and opinions this is done by the use of understandable language. They must communicate to the recipient in the language that he is going to understand. Communication becomes effective when the language that the two parties are using is well understood by them; this is the use of language. Language goes further than the oral talks but involve written information, body language, and electronic transfer of information. It is the language that we use that makes the world to have â€Å"sense†everything that is in the world gets a meaning when language is used to express its use. Problems only get a solution when the solvers can use the correct language. The innovations that is a good resultant aspect of education has its root in language; these spans from the general understanding of things as they are to specific analysis of a pa rticular case. Taking a traditional case, in each society there is culture that holds its people together, one of the major components of culture is language; this is because the language that is adopted by a particular society is unique in its own ways . Identity can be defined as the stable and fixed aspects of selfhood: things that you check off on census forms such as; Race or ethnicity, Nationality, Social class and Gender. The way someone uses his language is of importance to show his or her identity.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In African countries for example those people who belong to high class talk a different set of English, the way that they pronounce names is different from the other members, all over those people who are living in towns are associated with quality English and other languages, this is a tool that can be used to give the class its own status and class. Those from the village and rural area talk broken English. When language is the tool that is used to identify ethnicity, there are two sides of looking at it. One is that a person identifies himself as from a certain tribe or learns that the others are not of the same ethnicity. The choice of words that we use in the daily conversation gives the impression of what kind of a background that one has; the fact that some communities use some words to express different issues can be learnt. According to Ali G story, there are two sets of languages; they are vernacular and Standard English. When one is using either, the weight that the infor mation is going to be carried by is different. If we take the case of America, the black Americans and the Native Americans, if a black can talk vernacular the information that he converging is not seen as serious as the case would have been if he used Standard English. Standard English is seen to have few diversion of the original information and thus the message brought forward by it is seen as more serious. One who talks Standard English is seen as a Native American and thus the treatments will be as so. Standard English is then a show of sincerity and used to convey serious messages. When a combination of vernacular and Standard English is used, it gives the impression of areas that need more emphasis than others and them that can be taken lightly. The identity of the message identifies the sender’s feeling and identity at large. When the issue of ethnicity comes into picture, in most cases one does not need to say whether he is black or white since the skin color can tel l. Traditionally the skin was good enough to identify the ethnicity of the person concerned. The Asians and the Chinese have unique physical appearance that one only needs to look at them and you can tell the ethnicity. However, there are some countries that the colour cannot form basis of identity. One of this is the Hutus and Tutsi of Rwanda. During the Rwanda massacre fight, the tool that they used to identify ones tribe was only the language. This is so because they have similar physical appearances, they could talk the others language; but the way they pronounced some names made the difference and eventually lead to the identity that A belongs to this tribe and B the other. In the situation of computer based interaction; the exchangers of information are not at close vicinity of each other but they can identify their ethnicity by the language that they use in the interaction. There is the issue of national homogenize languages that a particular country may adopt, anyone who is coming in the country either as a visitor or a passer-by may not be aware of the language, when he communicate, then one can identify that he is of a different ethnicity. In most ethnic settings the old people are more versed with the language of the particular society, their selection of words is different from that of the youth which is influenced by education and modern time’s interactions. For example in Africa, there are diverse tribes that each has a different culture; the old population that mostly live in the rural areas and are less learnt, the youth stay in town centres that they have different tribes, their language is thus diluted by the interactions and the education that they have taken. When an old person who is from the village or a young people from the village is talking, the kind of language that he is going to use will be highly influenced by the traditional settings; this may be in the broken English or French (the learnt foreign language) or will have a deep understanding of the local language. With this one can easily identify the age and the social setting in terms of location that this person belongs to. Language and Participation When people are interacting with each other, their interaction is facilitated by communication among them; for an effective communication then the need for language cannot be over emphasized. There is need to express ones ideas in an appropriate way; in participation, may it be in games or activities, the players must understand each other, the language that they will use is of essence. Different situations call for different languages, the language that is used in a game situation is different from the one that is used in a job place. The language that the youth use is different from the one that the old use; this happens when they are talking to themselves or talking to others of different age groups. If one cannot express his or her ideas in the right way, he may not be resourceful as the situation demands. How well a group understands each other determines how productive they will be, when they use appropriate language they do it to benefit their members and most probably to keep off the opponents. An example of this is in football, the coach always have different language that can only be understood by the team that he is coaching and thus the opponents won’t know what instructions has been given. In military settings, there is unique language that is used to convey different aspects, the commands are given in a language that will only make sense to them but the enemy won’t understand. As a war tactic, the use of a word to mean completely different from the ordinary meaning; this is meant to confuse the enemy. In the entertainment sector, the language that is used to portray certain issues is the one that made the situation fun, the way that the conversation is developed and presented to the audience is in a humorous way; this is another way that the selection of language and the use of the right language are seen in practice. In children games there are repetitions of statements to make them attractive to them, the choice of the kind of word that will be used is different from the one that is going to be chosen for adolescents, the children language is that that promotes job and glorifies children playing; the one for adolescent is one that is educative. In the job place, the language that employees are supposed to use when addressing customers is different from the one that they use when addressing their fellow work mates. The language for customers has a soothing element aimed at building a strong brand name. The respect that the employees use on their seniors can be detected in the language that they use. When an individual is confronted by two conditions that require him to make a decision, the kind of language that he is going to use will determine the weight that the answer to the solution will be. When a parent is bringing up a ch ild, he uses different language in terms of tones, structure and the volume that he uses to ensure that the child is shaped in the way that the parent want. In this stage the child is taught on what to say if he is a man and what to say in the case of a woman, this reinforces the differences that are perceived to be prevailing between the male and female in the society. This means that as one undertakes the daily cores, there is a force i.e. language that can be used to define him. The parents always have a good time in reinforcing the language that they give their children to a point that even if the child decides to get another secondary language, it is affected by the original parent’s language. Gender Gender simply means being female or male; it is thus not used to refer to women only. In the subject of linguistic anthropology, the effect that language has played in the area of gender has been put in place. The language that the male use is different from the one that wom en use; the way that men stress, the tone that they use, the facial expression continues to affirm their dominance in the society. They are likely to use harsh voice. On the other hand, it is the use of the same language that women demand for their recognition and respect from the men dominated world. For example, a man is more likely to say a â€Å"NO†, to ensure that the woman fears and respects the man; with so doing then the domination of the man in the family continues. In such a situation if the woman is in real need of something done, then the language that she will use can make the man change the previous â€Å"NO†, she may use words like â€Å"Woooiyee my lovely husband please†. With this selection of words and the voicing that the woman is going to use, the husband can find himself compelling with the demands of the woman. When one has given his views and the way that he responds to different questions is the main subject that one’s belief is id entified as feminism or anti feminism. When a woman is issuing evidence in court; the selection of the words will make the difference; a woman combines emotional feeling to the situation and this may influence the decision of the court. A man’s evidence on the other hand is not taken with much weight since his voice is more standard and monotonous, the fact that he is a male gives him the disadvantage. The saying goes â€Å"Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus†; this means that they understand life differently. The meaning of a word makes different to the woman and man. When a man stresses a word, he does it to produce a certain meaning; some communities also have some words that are meant for men; in some communities it is regarded as taboo to even utter some words. This continues to enforce the gender differences. In rape cases, one of the reasons that have been put forward is that women do not report them; on the defence women have argued that they feel shy of ex pressing themselves. They have no words to explain what happened. On the other hand, in the small sub sexuality culture that human beings have; there is the language that is adopted and used into them, the gays, the lesbians and the heterosexuals have a different way in which they talk. There is the choice of words they use that make them stand out of the rest. If one does not understand the language, it is more likely that in the context of these people he might not understand what they are saying. This language is seen as internationally recognized and thus the continuity of certain sexuality is thus affected. For example a heterosexual man will use a soothing language when he is talking to a woman of whom he has sexual interests in; the woman on the other hand may use body language or by some sounds to give/ communicate that she has become aroused or interested in the man. This may be different in a gay sexuality. One communicate to others regarding his sexuality through the lang uage that he is going to portray when among the group, the language is the voices, the choice of words, the area that he is going to stress, body language and the contribution that he is going to make in general discussion. To send a signal of what I am in the social setting will be understood by those whom we practice similar sexuality. Whether it is in the area of gender or sexuality what language is aiming to give is the identity of a person. Those who want to be identified as women, men, homosexuals or gays are done by the language that we adopt. In Heterosexuality the woman in most cases is regarded as the weaker sex and is not expected to express / declare her sexual interest to a man, however, there are body language and other forms of communication that she can express her interests. Men on the other hand are seen as the one who has the sexuality advantage; the move he made and the selection of words that he uses communicate his interests. By this belief that the woman shoul d not have the authority of expressing what she feels, then it continues to reinforce men dominance in the society. Gender differences are seen again with this. There is a funny situation that is portrayed by heterosexual people, the power of a woman to say a direct no to sexual advances is mostly misunderstood; when a man approach a woman, and the woman is not willing to have sex, by her saying â€Å"no†is interpolated as a way of asking the man to beg and put more effort. The word â€Å"no†said by a woman is interpolated to mean somehow there is consent; on the other hand, a â€Å"yes†to sexual advances is interpreted to show a weak woman sexually. With this belief rape cases pose a great challenge to prove that the woman really was not willing, if the woman said no, then it can be miss- interpolated that she actually was saying yes in another way; if she was saying yes, then there was no rape. At the same time, it is expected that the woman should provoke a man before sexual advances has been made; prove is on the woman to show that actually he did not provoke the man. This has been an area of controversy in court cases; the feminisms advocate for word to word interpreted. In cases of homosexual, when a sexual advance has been made, the â€Å"she-man†is expected to use an understandable language to show his consent; a mere saying of â€Å"no†may hold the same weight as that said by a heterosexual woman, however if the no is with a commanding voice it is regarded as a holding no. In this society, the she-man has the responsibility of attracting the partner, despite the heterosexual counterfeits; they are empowered to approach their partner. The kind of grammar that one uses is influenced by the language that he uses. American grammar is different from English grammar. Grammar is a product of how a person has been taught as far as the use of language is concerned. In American English for instance they have some words th at don’t have a â€Å"u†the pronunciation of these words is without the â€Å"u†. The same word is written differently in Queens English, they are for example â€Å"honor†- this is the American version and â€Å"honour†the Queen’s English version, another way is in the use of â€Å"S†and â€Å"Z†. In the American English, there is the use of â€Å"Z†in areas that the Queens English uses an â€Å"s†. An example of this is socialization this is in American English and Socialisation in Queens English. If one is reading a text that is written by two people one an American and the other by a Briton, then by looking into such areas, then one can know who is who, this show the role that the use of language can help in identifying the identity of an individual, the need for a physical intersection is not required since language can communicate this. There are also some words that mean the same but the way that they ar e spelled in different settings are different, this is not only in the omission of a certain letter or the use of a letter in place of another, but it means a total new name. An example of this is the word interpolation in American English and interplatation in Queens English. Both the above words mean to have a deeper analysis. Interpolation is not found in Queens English Dictionary and the same case with interplatation. When one is identified to belong to a certain setting the possibility of favours or racism treatment will be experienced. The use of Shrub language of some names can also be another area that language can be used to show identity. Some areas pronounce the same word with a shrub accent while others do not. An example of this is the pronunciation of the word â€Å"issue†to an American it is pronounced as â€Å"isiu†and to a Briton it is an ‘ishuu†. When one is conversing, it becomes very easy to realize the nationality of the person by the way he is going to pronounce this name  (Baym, 2007). Conclusion Literature is any written material describing certain social, economic, and political environment of the issue that can be conveyed orally, through facial expressions, writings, acting, body language, symbols and signs. Every human, physical, historical, and social activity forms part of literature, thus literature continues to grow and take shape every moment in time. Language is part literature that used to define human personalities, nationality, tribe, beliefs, and opinions among other. It can be used to reinforce some believes in the society, these beliefs include gender existence, the dominance of men, sexuality, and racialism. Reference Baym, N.(2007). The Norton Anthology American Literature: Beginnings to 1865. New York: W W Norton Co Inc. This essay on Meaning of Literature was written and submitted by user S1lverSable to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
English Settlers essays
English Settlers essays America was the melting pot of nations. It brought every type of person who wished for a new life to its shores and gave them opportunities, which would not have been available in their homelands. Many came poor or with money but not enough education to read and write with extreme accuracy. In the early New England colonies, education was actually available for everyone who wished to entertain the notion of it. Children could go to school where actual teachers would teach them. Older generations wouldnt have to be worried about their offspring having the same insecurities, which they now had due to their inability of furthering their minds. England provinces were not usually able to give education to their masses because they were so large, making the schools available in America seem amazing in their existence. Though it seemed like a huge perk for many, some religions disliked the wishes for the young to learn. They only wanted their religion, no others to be discussed and openly contemplated. Some of the more restrained and conservative religions thought of free knowledge to be poisonous to their brains and faith. Often prejudice and doubt stops true realization of what people want. Despite some peoples goals to remain separated from those different than them, education flourished and the fruits of knowledge bloomed extensively across the newly made colonies. With great diversity in beliefs it became easier for people to become accepting of one another, though it would take years and centuries for real prejudice to be gone from normal living. However, I personally believe this was the very beginning of the initial civil rights movement. It brought different types of people together and they were able to stand each other. True, they were all white, but it was civil rights in acceptance for the time period. ...
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Prepare an overview of the Banking Sector of INDIA. Mention your Essay
Prepare an overview of the Banking Sector of INDIA. Mention your sources - Essay Example This has led to competition and generated new level of expectations among the consumers. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the central bank of the country and it closely monitors the developments in the financial sector. The banking sector is dominated by Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) including 27 Public Sector Banks (PSBs), 31 Private, 42 Foreign and 196 Regional Rural Banks as of March 2002 (Research & Markets, 2009). In addition, there were 67 scheduled co-operative banks consisting of 51 scheduled urban co-operative banks and 16 scheduled state co-operative banks. State Bank of India (SBI) is the largest bank in India with a market share of 20 percent while ICICI is the second largest bank in India. The commercial banks include the former development financial institutions (DFI) such as the ICICI and the IDBI. The commercial banks have on their books very long-duration GOI securities with some banks holding as much as 45 percent in these securities (Mor, Chandrasekhar & Wahi, 2005). The GOI and the RBI together direct and govern the functioning of the banks (Ra vichandran, 2003). The initiatives or the stimulus package by the GOI has transformed the banking industry which reflects in the significant growth in the banking sector as studied by Dun & Bradstreet, an international research body. Taking into account all banks of India, as of 2009, there are 56,640 branches or offices, 893,356 employees and 27,088 ATMs (IBEF, 2009). Public sector banks dominate the industry comprising of 87.7 percent of all offices, 82% of staff and 60.3% of all ATMs. As on 2nd January 2009, the aggregate bank deposits stood at 21.2% while the ban credit touched 24% against 21.4% as on January 4, 2008. There has also been an increase in the total flow of resources from the banking sector to the commercial sector which stood at US$ 58.83 billion up to January 2, 2009. Credit expansion varies across bank groups.
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